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Call (916)-794-4862 |


Understanding How Problems Operate

My approach emphasizes understanding how problems operate. I focus less on WHY a problem exists and pay close attention to HOW a problem persists. I do this by identifying the complex, self-feeding cycles of interactions responsible for keep problems in peoples lives.  Once identified, it then becomes possible to introduce fresh solutions that interfere with a problems operation. Most therapy seeks to return people to their previous level of functioning, however, my approach strives to fundamentally change how people experience their lives and relationships. 

Results Focused

Results are one of the most important markers of quality therapy. I know we have been successful when problem intensity and frequency decline. Often client’s report feeling or experiencing less of whatever it is that brought them in. As more problems are operationalized and intervened upon a list of fresh solutions begins to emerge. Equally important, a list of what does not work is also generated since there is no “one size fits all” solution.

Beyond Symptom Reduction

 With enough victories, the second stage of treatment occurs. That is, clients, come in reporting an “unblocking” of their life. The problems that once blocked them and froze important areas of their life have now melted like ice on a hot summers day. During this time, we continue to generate a list of what worked which points the way to other solutions. This can go on for as long as it needs to. 

Comprehensive Care

When the final session does occur, all of my clients are provided with a comprehensive follow up plan. The plan outlines what has worked, next steps needed to maintain progress, and a guarantee they can contact me should anything arise or even if they want to keep me updated on how their life is. One of the most rewarding parts of my job is hearing from past clients as they travel through the different phases of their lives.

Therapy does not come from a book and is not “performed” on people. Rather, quality therapy occurs between people.

If you are ready to discuss an appointment or would like more information give me a call at (916) 794-4862.

For more information see my FAQS Page.